Happy Blogiversary to Me – You’re Invited to the Virtual Party

I missed my blogiversary – it passed last Friday – and I am not sure if it means anything that it just kinda slipped my mind.  I will leave that question to another time because I still wish to acknowledge the two years that I have been writing in this space.

This connection has been a real and important part of my life and I value all of the people who stop by to read, comment, cajole, support, question, challenge, or engage.  All of you form the foundation of an e-community that as just as valuable to me as those with whom I share brick and mortar community that had origins in this space.

Last year I asked everyone, readers, regulars, and lurkers alike to leave me a comment as an anniversary present.  Someone who shall remain nameless called that selfish and vainglorious, eh, I thought that it was harmless enough.  However, on this second blogiversary, we shall make the celebration a bit more reciprocal and inclusive.  From now until Friday*, I am collecting questions.  Leave them in the comments, send me an email** (restaurantrefugee at gmail dot com) and ask me anything you want to know about me, the blog, restaurants, wine, or any other area that might pique your curiosity.  The collection of questions and answers will be posted on Friday, the designated day of belated celebration.

Thanks for the last two years; it’s been a helluva lot cheaper than therapy.


* You can send questions anytime you like, they just won’t be in the anniversary post unless I get them before it goes live on Friday.   As time permits, I will update the post to include questions received after Friday.

** All emails will be treated as confidential unless you indicate otherwise.

21 Responses to Happy Blogiversary to Me – You’re Invited to the Virtual Party

  1. Refugee, you write a great blog. I don’t always agree with what you say, but you’re never boring. Happy Second Blogiversary!

    (And your blog doesn’t look a *day* over a year.)

  2. laloca says:

    RR – happy second! you’re one of my favorite online presences, and a damn good guy, to boot.

  3. Christina says:

    A very happy blogaversary!

    Here is my question, what food did you not like when you were younger but can’t get enough of now?

  4. magnolia2010 says:

    happy blog-iversary! this is a hell of a good read. thanks for sharing it with us!

  5. Foilwoman says:

    Here’s a question: as someone who played the cello as a youth, did you practice because your mother made you practice or because you wanted to practice? And if it was the former, how did your mother achieve that?

  6. C says:

    It’s spring and I’m going to the farmers market on Sunday. What should I cook with my haul that is seasonal and delicious?

  7. LiLu says:

    Why on earth haven’t you started a dictionary for all the words we’ve invented over the years?

  8. Lemon Gloria says:

    Happy blogiversary! I say oh, whatever to the critics of you asking for comments as a blogiversary present. Blogging is vanity. So what?

    As for a question…Could you recommend a couple bottles of red wine in the $10-20 price range?

  9. Carla Ganiel says:

    Felicidades, Refugee! What is one question nobody asked that you wish somebody had?

  10. brob13 says:

    congratulations, your blog is the only one in my favorites. My question, What does one have to do to have a drink with you?

  11. […] nuggets, I would like to remind you all that I am celebrating the 2nd blogiversary tomorrow with an open question session and the window is still open to ask whatever.  Thank you to all of you who have sent email questions and left them in the comments already.  […]

  12. Chris says:

    Happy blogiversary. My question is:

    What food would you cook for a non foodie father for father’s day?

  13. megabrooke says:

    happy blogaversary!

    questions… you and i have gone back and forth with this before. 🙂

    here’s kind of a silly one, because my head is a bit in the clouds this week. what tv shows do you regularly tune in to?

  14. kitty says:

    thanks for being online. it’s funny how when you don’t post, it’s sad, and every time you do, it’s a happy occasion.

    question: at what point in a dating relationship do you throw caution into the wind?

  15. dan-E says:

    Congrats, happy blogaversary! Simple, but kind of dumb, question: What is it exactly that you do? Restaurant consultant? Private chef? Event planner? Some combination of the above?

  16. rahree says:

    happy blogoversary toooo yooooou!

    Thanks for telling such great stories, food-centric and otherwise – you’re one of my favorite stops! (And thank your mom, because she raised a gentleman and y’all are hard to find.)

    So, questions:
    -what’s your summer go-to home dinner, when you want something tasty but with little effort?
    -the meaning of life? clue me in, please?

    Thanks, Refugee – for the great writing and the answers…especially to that second one…

  17. Kristin says:

    Happy anniversary! I haven’t really anything to ask right now but I’m sure I’ll think of something. In the middle of the night. When I’m nowhere near a computer.

  18. Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary, Refugee! My question (and yes, it’s after Friday): What inspires you to write? To cook?

  19. Thea says:

    Refugee, You write a blog that is always interesting. I always enjoy reading. Tell me can you recomment a good vegetarian restaurant (needn’t be purely vegetarian — so long as there are some interesting vegetarian dishes — most place have a dish or two as an afterthought.

  20. […] celebration of the 2 year blogiversary, I decided to open the phone lines for all questions… apparently I also decided to start writing like a talk-radio host.  I wish to thank everyone […]

  21. […] celebration of the 2 year blogiversary, I decided to open the phone lines for all questions… apparently I also decided to start writing like a talk-radio host.  I wish to thank everyone […]

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